Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Blog!!

Sorry, I changed my blogg address. Just had to make a few adjustments. I hope that you all found it ok. I promise, I am going to be better at this blogging thing.


  1. Ok lady... I know you're busy, and so are we but when are we going to play again. We live in the same complex you know!! Hope everything is going well, call me!!

  2. ok, so this girl that cozy does nails in enterprise asked if trav was still dating you and that she reading a blog and seen a picture that looked like you so i had to go on her blog to see if the picture really was now that i know it was you i will keep checking it out. Thanks for the fun (??) we had shopping on friday after thanksgiving. love ya and thanks for everything you have done for my bro.

  3. computer is finally fixed and I found you! Hope all is well. Love yer guts :).
