Monday, February 22, 2010

Wish me luck...

I need all the luck that I can get!! IT IS SEP (parent conference) WEEK!! I have a lot of fantastic parents in my class this year, but there are always a few that give me a run for my money. This week is probably the most stressful week of teaching. I want to make sure that the parents know exactly how their child is doing and the things that their child has been working on and are successful at. The only problem is... there isn't a perfect kid and I usually have one thing that they need to work on. Sometimes this goes over really well, and other times...not so well. I also am a maniac at home and my husband isn't handling it well. I think that if you haven't been in the classroom a lot OR if you aren't a teacher, you don't totally understand the stress of this week and ALL of the work and time that goes into these conferences. Well I just thought that I would vent a little so that I feel better and ready for the week!! I hope that everyone has a fantasic week!! Good luck!!


  1. I understand completely. I taught school for 31 years. It is a very stressful time for teachers. There are always those few parents that you can't please no matter what you do. Good luck with your conferences.

  2. That's my MIL, BTW!!!! She's the best. And she DOES understand how you feel this week. I know I don't want to make other parents feel bad about their kids, knowing that mine is as perfect as they get ;) hahaha!!!! Hang in there!!! You're doing GREAT!!!!
